JAVA 前后端分离jwt 工具类
package com.lup.util;
import com.auth0.jwt.JWT;
import com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm;
import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT;
import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.JWTVerifier;
import org.springframework.util.DigestUtils;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
public class JwtUtil {
private static final String SECRET = "秘钥越复杂约好";
//过期时间,秒数 默认两个小时
private static final Integer TIME_OUT_SECOND = 3600 * 2;
//需要重新生成的秒数 如果token的时间超过这个 则重新生成token
private static final Integer NEED_CREATE_SECOND = 3600;
/*** @param accountId * @param accountName
* @param password
* @return
public static String createToken(String accountId, String accountName, String password) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, TIME_OUT_SECOND);
String ip = Lib.getIPAddress();
String userAgent = Lib.getUserAgent();
String token = JWT.create()
.withClaim("accountId", accountId)
.withClaim("accountName", accountName)
.withClaim("ip", ip)
.withClaim("userAgent", userAgent)
.withClaim("key", DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(password.getBytes()))
return token;
* 验证是否修改过密码
* @param decodedJWT
* @param password
* @return
public static boolean isUpdatedPassword(DecodedJWT decodedJWT, String password) {
String oldPwd = decodedJWT.getClaim("key").asString();
String newPwd = DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(password.getBytes());
return oldPwd.equals(newPwd) ? false : true;
* 是否需要重新生成token (为了延续token时长)
* @param decodedJWT
* @return
public static boolean needCreate(DecodedJWT decodedJWT) {
Date timeoutDate = decodedJWT.getExpiresAt();
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
if (timeoutDate.before(calendar.getTime())) {
return true;
return false;
* 获取token信息 如果token有误则返回null,校验token
* @param token
* @return
public static DecodedJWT getTokenInfo(String token) {
try {
return JWT.require(Algorithm.HMAC256(SECRET)).build().verify(token);
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
return null;
public static String verify(String token) {
try {
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(SECRET);
JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm).build();
DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token);
String accountId = jwt.getClaim("accountId").asString();
return accountId;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* 获取用户ID
* @param decodedJWT
* @return
public static String getAccountId(DecodedJWT decodedJWT) {
return decodedJWT.getClaim("accountId").asString();
* 获取用户账号
* @param decodedJWT
* @return
public static String getAccountName(DecodedJWT decodedJWT) {
return decodedJWT.getClaim("accountName").asString();
* 获取用户代理信息
* @param decodedJWT
* @return
public static String getUserAgent(DecodedJWT decodedJWT) {
return decodedJWT.getClaim("userAgent").asString();
* 获取用户代理信息
* @param decodedJWT
* @return
public static String getIp(DecodedJWT decodedJWT) {
return decodedJWT.getClaim("ip").asString();
JAVA 前后端分离jwt 工具类
package com.lup.util;import com.auth0.jwt.JWT;import com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm;import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT;import com.auth0.jw...
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